Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Nerf Or Nothing

January 8 2013                                       Nerf Or Nothing!

So this week was actually a pretty good week despite the fact that we had most of our appointments fall through. Gosh that gets annoying. You set up appointments to meet with people and they always have something come up. It can be discouraging. Now that the Holidays are over though appointments should be more regular and we should be able to make lots of progression this week. 

Last night we were walking down the street late at night. It was very chilly and kind of eerie. There was a man walking opposite of us very frantically. I stopped him to try to contact him and he said he only had time for a card. I stopped him specifically under the only stop light and I asked him if he believed in Christ as he took my card. He said that Christ was his best friend and it then became very clear that this man had a form of Brain Damage. He slurred his words and was slow in his thoughts but the was the most humble and appreciative man when the name of his savior came to the surface. He told us about how when he was 17 he was hit on the head and he woke up in the hospital and could not remember who he was or anything. He had suffered from amnesia and all he found in that hospital was a relationship with Christ. I wiped out a B.O.M. and he told us he didn't want much to do with it. He went to calgary and that was good for him. I told him I just wanted to share a scripture that means a lot to me about christ. I opened to Helaman 5:12 and told him how Christ can help us get through any storm just as he had proven. Then I asked him how Christ had acquired such power and love to protect from the storm. He didn't really have an answer for it so I opened to Alma 7:11-12 and told him how the savior knew exactly what he needed at all times. That the savior knew him and what he was going through better than any man on earth ever could. He then took the book of mormon, told us to come back in March since he is going out of town tomorrow and walked away with tears in his eyes and a phrase "thank my lord for sending you my new friends." Being a missionary is awesome. 

Directly after this experience we went to a members house where we taught a man from The Ukraine. He grew up of course in a country where they are generally atheistic. They have no common belief in God. He however has been to church many times and he sees the testimonies of others and he opened up last night and told us he wants nothing more than that peace in his life. We had a beautiful lesson where we talked about the Savior. Who the savior was. How the savior represented perfect love and about how he made a way that we can all repent and better ourselves. It was an extremely difficult lesson but it was awesome because he made progress in our lessons for the first time! He asked many difficult questions but they were answered through the scriptures. Every one of them. 

Well we had dinner with the Old Stake President Last night and it was AWESOME! He showed us some deep doctrine and we had great conversation. He then gave us all nerf dart guns to play with for District Activity today. Yesterday in an interview I asked Permission from the President to take the district out to lunch then have the nerf war and he said that it would be ok. Exciting day! Then I have an interview with an investigator for baptism at 6! Should be happening saturday yay!

Bless you all

Elder Gemperline

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