Friday, July 11, 2014

Hot Mission Movie

Well it has been one of the hottest weeks of my life being here in the summer without air conditioning in our apartment. Every night the lowest it gets is 80 and I'm sick of sitting in my sweat. Oh well though, what are you going to do about it.

We had a great 4th of July/ mission birthday party! We all got together and had dinner at the mission office. Then President Or gill shuffled us all into a room. We watched a video with all the people baptized in the Irvine Mission and afterward we heard the all familiar, dun dun... dun dun... dunnnnnnnn dundun,  that begins so many movies. We were all so confused and then started playing the movie "Son of God." We watched it as a mission and needless to say... It was WEIRD! They didn't even quote the Bible and Jesus was all sexy and it was a whole movie. I guess everyone else enjoyed it though and it did give a great viewpoint of why the Pharisees and Pilot acted the way they did.

Well we had a great lesson Monday night with some young peeps who don't want to go to the YSA ward so they meet with us. We even had C come along from Coto! He recently returned from his own mission. We ended up teaching the first discussion to 4 people in a garage with Guacamole, Pomegranate juice and a disco ball. It was fun! Ha-ha my generation is crazy.

Well I am off and will see you all again very soon. Make plans and we will make it happen somehow!
--Elder Gemperline