Tuesday, April 9, 2013

So long Farewell Carlsbad.

 Last Tuesday after we emailed Elder Hegland knocked on our front door and said "SUP! I'm your companion again!" So again we were in a trio with Elder Hegland, Elder Jacobsen and I. It was fun and great. Well the next morning we were all just getting ready for the day and suddenly President called. Ahhhhhh Snap. It's week 6 that means transfers are on Tuesday I think in my head. Elder Jacobsen answers and hands the phone to me. Looks like I won't be able to finish training Elder Jacobson. I have been asked to fill the position of a Leader somewhere in the mission so in a few hours from now I am leaving Carlsbad, my son Elder Jacobson and my cousin Elder Hegland! No idea where I will go but where I do go will likely determine what mission I will be in the rest of my mission. Irvine or Carlsbad.

Well I decided I would not leave quietly even though it is the quiet Conference weekend, but before I get to that. Isn't Conference just so much fun! Throughout conference I was with my great friend Elder Pendergast and we were both just blown away by all the talks. It is the best thing as a missionary. It is a lot like the only vacation we get because we get to sit down and visit and be uplifted and re energize for a whole day and a half! I especially loved President Monson's talk as well as basically ALL of priesthood session. 

Well yesterday I we had a fantastic last day to be in Carlsbad!  Anyway, in the midst of this, about 330 yesterday we decided to tract Ocean st. Ocean st is the street where you have /street/ {House} [Beach] OCEAN. just like that and all the homes are billions of dollars I'm sure. We decided to do this because Elder Hegland and I have always joked about doing it and just having every door slammed in our face. Well as we went down the street doing exactly that with these people that are obviously VERY happy where they are we came across a young man, upper 20's reading a  book on his driveway. I noticed the pages were golden around the edges and asked if that was a Bible he was reading. Sure enough it was but a car was pulling in and he told us to go away he wasn't interested in talking about it. We continued down the street for about 20 minutes when suddenly someone came up behind us running and telling us to stop. It was this young man, whom we had met earlier. He started asking a little bit about what exactly we do and what we think of the Bible and so ensued a lesson to remember. There, on Ocean St. with the ocean in view with the sound of waves crashing on a day with a large swell we taught a great first lesson for 45 min and bore powerful testimony. It took our BofM happily and accepted our invitation to read it and pray about it's truthfulness so he wouldn't just be taking it for our word. That would be entrusting in the arm of  flesh. As he left we had a prayer with him there on the street and he offered up one of the most sincere beautiful prayers I have ever heard in our behalf by a complete stranger. Well.. as beautiful as Christian "Lord Lord" prayers get for those who know what I mean. :D Great experience to leave on. 

Well I am truly sad to leave Elder Jacobson.  I sadly couldn't get to say goodbye to the Gonzalez's. They were busy last night and It is only 1 nights warning that you really have to say goodbye with. I hope I will stay in the same mission as Elder Pendergast. We will just have to see. A new AP is going to be called today. It will be exciting to see who it is. I saw many miracles this last week. I just wish I could remember them all to share them :P too many to remember every week. Can't wait to hear about my Brothers Call! Where he gunna Go! 

ALSO! I was caught saying surf terms yesterday like Heavy and Gnarly. Uh oh. :O